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I dislike daylight saving time.

If you are like me, you do not like the clock going ahead one hour in the spring, and going back one hour in the autumn.

Daylight Saving Time (DST) is the practice of setting the clocks forward one hour from standard time during the summer months, and back again in the fall, in order to make better use of natural daylight.

History of Daylight Saving Time (DST). First Used in Canada in 1908. Germany Popularized DST.

In Canada, each province is permitted to use or not use DST. All Canadian provinces fully use DST except the province of Saskatchewan where only some parts of the province use DST. Getting DST abolished in my province of Ontario is a long shot because most people do not know that any province in Canada may choose to end the practice of DST.

In personal protest of DST, I have decided to set my wristwatch (computers and smartphones automatically set the time to DST) to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) that remains the same throughout the year. No more adjusting the clock.

Alice’s Adventure In Wonderland: Chapter 7: A Mad Tea-Party

(c) Trevor Dailey



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