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Silenzium: Kiss song cover music video

I am not a big Kiss music fan, I do not understand the spoken language in the video, but this is the most creative and entertaining cover of a Kiss song I have heard and seen.

The song,  I Was Made For Lovin' You, was first released in May of 1979, and is from the Kiss album, Dynasty. The song went Gold, selling more than 1 million copies, in the USA and Canada. Kiss recorded the song long before these accomplished young women were even born.

They did not simulate Gene Simmon's in concert stage blood and fire breathing, but I think they did simulate Ace Frehley's in concert guitar smoke in the video.

It goes without saying how much influence the band Kiss has had on the world of music, and not just rock music.

© Trevor Dailey


Extreme Production Music: Christmas

I really do not much enjoy Christmas anymore, but with Extreme Production Music, I can still fake it when I want to.

It's Christmas

Made Of Gingerbread

When you view an album you can click the small musical note (sixteenth note) symbol at the top right to buy the music via iTunes. They have a lot of excellent music. Be sure to look around when you are there.

© Trevor Dailey





Extreme Production Music: Hallowe'en

There may be music for everything. Extreme Production Music, a high quality production music company, probably has music for everything; or they are probably working hard on making music for everything.

Here are a few of my new favourite amusing and entertaining songs for my Hallowe'en playlist from this newly discovered and unexpected source:

Demons Want Their Candy

Zombie Apocalypse


Look Who’s Killing Now

Like The Living Dead

I'm A Pyscho

When you view an album you can click the small musical note (sixteenth note) symbol at the top right to buy the music via iTunes. They have a lot of excellent music. Be sure to look around when you are there.

(c) Trevor Dailey