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My Bitchute channel

After deciding to post some of my experiential videos online to see where it goes, I tried YouTube and Vimeo, getting no views after days and days; I tried Bitchute, and the views started almost immediately.

Trevor Dailey's Bitchute Channel

P.S. I recommend these Bitchute channels:

Matt Christiansen

Official BitChute of Matt Christiansen, independent YouTube creator and podcaster.

Just Right Media

Just Right Media’s anchor is the radio program Just Right; a weekly hour-long presentation of events and issues from the perspective of individualism and capitalism.

Just Right began broadcasting on April 19, 2007 from CHRW 94.9 in London, Ontario. After being banned from CHRW for its political views Just Right began broadcasting on WBCQ in Monticello Maine on 7490 KHz shortwave from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM Eastern Time and from Channel 292 Germany on 6070 KHz from 1900 UTC to 2000 UTC.

Just Right is hosted by Bob Metz and Robert Vaughan who have produced over 500 hours of original programing and have interviewed over 90 guests including such notable and controversial figures as Yaron Brook, Ann Coulter, Christopher Monckton, Lars Hedegaard, Lars Vilks, Gad Saad, Marc Emery, Bosch Fawstin, Salim Mansur, and Tarek Fatah.

Just Right's video collection includes exclusive coverage of people like Jordan Peterson, Christopher Monckton, Gad Saad, and Lindsay Shepherd.

(c) Trevor Dailey


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