Political fools
The 2018 Ontario general election is almost officially in the books. Of the four parties that now hold seats in the Ontario Legislature (PC Party of Ontario - 76, Ontario NDP - 40, Ontario Liberal Party - 7, Green Party of Ontario - 1) all are socialist parties. That means 98% of the total votes cast were for these socialist parties. All these parties have either similar or identical policies. There is no significant difference between any of them regarding main policies. Not one ever speaks of freedom or capitalism because they are all socialists.
The voters of Ontario wrongly think they voted for change by giving the former majority Liberal government a devastating loss, and voting in a majority PC government. Different captain, same ship, same course, same destination, same destruction. The truth is the Liberals did nothing they were not voted in to do. The problem is most people vote without knowing what they are voting for because they do not take the time and effort required to learn what they are voting for.
The PCs are just as bad as the Liberals. The professed alternative to the Liberals, the PCs will continue on with the anti-freedom and anti-capitalistic policies of the former Liberal government. The NDP is the worst of the four, a self-proclaimed communist party, and is now the Official Opposition in the Ontario Legislature. The Green Party is a socialist party supported by the socialist PC Party to take votes away from the socialist Liberal and communist NDP parties.
My party, Freedom Party, received a very disappointing 0.04% of the total vote. I will be voting Freedom Party again in the next election. The continued destruction of the province of Ontario will not be my fault.
Anyone can be fooled. The people who are the most easily fooled are usually the people who think they can not be fooled; and they often fool themselves.
© Trevor Dailey
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