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Freedom Party excluded from broadcasted debates

If one thinks the Province of Ontario is not already a socialist, communist, fascist province with an equally socialist, communist, fascist mainstream news media, then one is dead wrong. All three of the political parties holding seats in the Ontario Legislature, Liberal, New Democratic Party (NDP) Progressive Conservative (PC) are parts of the same larger socialist political party. These three political parties and the mainstream news media are evil and morally depraved. Freedom Party of Ontario is the only political party in Ontario that is fighting for, not against, the people of Ontario

E-mailer from FP President Robert Metz to members and supporters of Freedom Party of Ontario concerning efforts by former Progressive Conservative candidates to discourage media from including Freedom Party candidates in broadcasted candidates debates.

Source: MAILER: 2018 Provincial Election – Freedom Party excluded from broadcasted debates

On May 22, 2018, the Craig Needles Show (radio AM980, London, Ontario) hosted a debate among the PC, Liberal, NDP, and Green Party candidates in the riding of London North Centre in advance of the June 7, 2018 Ontario provincial general election. FP leader Paul McKeever was not invited even though he was one of the candidates in the riding.

Source: Progressive Conservatives on Craig Needles’ show reject FP’s inclusion in debates

© Trevor Dailey


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