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There is no political spectrum

Imagine a roadway that is divided into two separate lanes by a solid painted line along its middle. There is a right lane, there is a left lane. Imagine one is driving along this roadway in one of the two lanes, and one crosses over the dividing line into the other lane.

One is now travelling in a new lane, and one is no longer travelling in the other lane. One may only travel in the right lane or the left lane. One may not drive along the line because this is not a lane. There is no centre lane.

One can not drive in two lanes at once, nor drive more in one lane, or partially drive in another. There are only two lanes: Right and Left.

I think Lindsay may just be begining her journey along this imaginary roadway.

© Trevor Dailey

Just Right #510 - June 22, 2017 - The broken political compass

Just Right #513 - July 13, 2017  - Repulsion – Left meets Right

Just Right #535 - December 14, 2017 - Left right out: A valid 'political spectrum' analysis

Just Right #550 - April 5, 2018  - 'Unpacking' the Left and Right

Just Right #562  - June 28, 2018 - Still getting it wrong about Left and Right

Just right # 563 - July 5, 2018 - Fascism, force, and the Left


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