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Listening for the signal: 4625 kHz

My Eton Solarlink FR600 radio receiver is old, discontinued, obsolete, but it still works. I have a random length long electrical copper wire aerial attached to the now broken aerial rod, and I have received signals from thousands of miles away. Some of those signals have been interesting, like time signals, and the VOA radiogram, and some have been strange, like the so-called Cuban Numbers Station. However, there is a signal I have not yet heard, one that is both interesting and strange to me: MDZhB, or simply, “The Buzzer”, broadcast 24 hours per day, seven days per week on 4625 kHz. The ghostly radio station no one claims to run.

Many hours in total I have spent listening for this signal through the static and noise, but I have not yet been able to confirm I have received the signal. I have fallen asleep to the drone of static noise on my receiver monitoring the frequency. I tune into this frequency to listen to something whose true purpose is a mystery. I just know that it is there, and as long as it is there, I will continue to listen for it.

© Trevor Dailey


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