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There is more to short-wave time signals than time

It was one of those short-wave topic blogs. The writer asked a rhetorical question regarding the short-wave time signals: how long they were going to last with the time now being available from satellite GPS?

For me, a short-wave time signal is part of the magic of radio; receiving a radio signal travelling invisibly through the air, at the speed of light, from hundreds of miles, thousands of miles,  away is still amazing to me. No infrastructure between the receiver and the transmitter is required.

The time signal arrives in an instant from when it is transmitted making it extremely accurate, and it is in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Traditionally, shortwave radio broadcasts schedules are in UTC time, and UTC time stays the same. No stupid moving of the time forward and back twice per year with Daylight Savings Time.

The time signal from Fort Collins, Colorado, includes other valuable information with the time signal broadcast, such as “…geophysical alerts and marine storm warnings.”

Broadcasting 24 hours a day, seven days a week, on more than one short-wave frequency, I can determine the propagation of the short-wave bands by tuning into the time signals. This also allows me to test my short-wave receiver to determine if it is working properly, if one receiving location is better than another, or if my new home-made aerial does in fact work.

The short-wave time signals have a lot more use to them than just knowing the correct time.   

(c) Trevor Dailey

Canada time signals: NRC short wave station broadcasts (CHU)

USA time signals: Radio Station WWV

Radio Fundamentals: An Introduction to HF | Codan Radio Communications


Low unemployment numbers high unemployment?

According to what I have been reading, the unemployment rate is at the lowest levels in decades in countries around the world. This seems to be good news until one reads in the same articles the number of unemployed is at high levels. This contradictory information states that while the unemployment rate is low, a large number of people, usually given as vague “adults”, are facing persistent unemployment. What puzzles me is the lack of reasoning that one part must be wrong.

I have yet to read a single article questioning if the method for calculating the unemployment rate, or the method for calculating the number of employed, is an accurate form of measurement regarding these things. Instead I read articles that interview university professors, economists, Chamber of Commerce representatives, and social workers for answers. Of course, not one article I have read has asked any business owner or operator his or her opinion. Would the ones who directly employ people not be the first one should ask about the subject? Apparently not. Like the minimum wage debate, employers are shut out of the discussion.  

Unemployment or employment numbers do not mean a thing. Either you have a job, or you do not. That is all that matters. Unemployed or employed, one may ask an employer if they are hiring, and one might then ask why, or why not? 

(c) Trevor Dailey

WBCQ: more money and more free speech radio

Many times when one reads on the Internet about short-wave radio broadcasting the subject of the future of short-wave radio comes up. More often than not, contained in this subject is how short-wave radio is on its way to extinction. Once again, I disagree. Here is an example from “Free Speech Radio” WBCQ The Planet, Monticello, Maine, USA.

WBCQ $500,000 fund drive

WBCQ needs to raise $500,000 to keep going to provide the worlds only truly free speech radio service. Our goals for the funding are:

    1. Repair, replace, and upgrade our transmitting equipment.

    2. Upgrade all our antenna systems for higher power.

    3. Upgrade studios and computer systems.

    4. Finish our backup generator system.

    5. Create a fund to pay for more free speech alternative programming.

    6. Providing airtime for persons who cannot afford to purchase airtime.

    7. Create a free radio news service for true, unbiased news for the world.

    8. Improve the website, streaming, and video services.

Much more needs to be done. Shortwave radio is the only true worldwide open voice with no infrastructure required.

Fees for airtime do not cover operation costs at present. We need your help through donations to progress further, survive into the future, and get more voices on the air.

Please contribute whatever you can.

Thank you and God bless,

Allan H. Weiner

August 2016

Source: WBCQ $500,000 fund drive

Mr. Weiner, the owner and operator of WBCQ, not only asked for $500,000 of private money for his privately operated short-wave radio station, it appears he may have received it in only 7 months.

It’s simple. WBCQ will be constructing one of the biggest, most powerful, most versatile shortwave transmitter and antenna systems in the world. All for free speech radio. Freedom.

Allan H. Weiner

March 29, 2017

Source: WBCQ files application for a new transmitter and antenna

If one wants short-wave radio to succeed and prosper, then one needs to contribute private funds to privately run international short-wave radio stations like WBCQ.

(c) Trevor Dailey

Foray Into Fiction: It The Individual

Community Services are not concerned with the death of a Member found early this morning. It was found dead outside in the public, and was discovered by a Community Services Member conducting its duties for the public.

“It was well known to Community Services,” said Community Services Officer 741920. “We had obliged it many times for a contribution to the community for not carrying it’s personal identification sharing device. It always would tell us it ‘refused to be obliged’ and that it ‘refused to contribute’. It said its name was ‘Perrin McCormick’, and it said it was 'not a Member, but an individual'. It said it owned a factory once called the ‘Perrin McCormick Bakery and Confectionary Company’ before what it said 'the socialists stole it from me'. It obviously was a denier, and a criminal for engaging in private enterprise, but it was a Member, so we were obligated to take care of it, but it would not allow us to do so. It denied everything.”

We at the Community Services Information Service searched all government commerce records, and without any doubt, the ‘Perrin McCormick Bakery and Confectionary Company’ could never have existed since no private enterprise is legal. However, it is known that private enterprise did once exist, it was once legal, in the time before such evil, created by untempered individual freedom, was finally purged from society along with its cause: the selfish wants of the individual.

It came to the end of the report, and its reading device went into sleep mode. A wave of sadness flowed over it. It new It. It knew It was telling the truth. It knew the real evil. It had secret images of the factory, documents, all kept on paper to prevent detection. It knew of others who had information of a time when individual freedom was allowed. A time when dreams, occupation, knowledge, ignorance, religion, tradition, temptation, life, death, failure, success, love and memories could be a part of its, one’s, life. One once had individual rights. One once had individual choice. One once had individual freedom.

Its device beeped and awoke from its sleep mode. Its ID number came on screen. Frequent check ins were required. It must log in. It paused. It was prompted again; and then it was warned. It watched the countdown on the screen. It felt the feeling stronger than it had ever felt before. It whispered its forbiden name to itself, and with purpose it spoke these words out loud: “I refused to be obliged. I refused to contribute. I am an individual. I will be free.”, then it threw the device to the ground, and it ran.

(Inspired by, Anthem, by Ayn Rand)

(c) Trevor Dailey