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London's No Sense "No Kill Wildlife" Policy

My first impressions of the way the newly elected London City Council is headed is Council is to all intents and purposes being more foolish and downright stupid. The latest is this "no kill wildlife" policy that Council is considering without, of course, knowing what they are doing is reported in the November 20, 2014 edition of the Londoner newspaper.

The City of London, which not long ago established a no-kill policy around companion animals, will now apply the same standards to wildlife - even without knowing the costs

"Car verses deer" incidents are a very serious problem. This is when a driver hits a deer that runs suddenly in front of the driver's travelling vehicle. Before a couple of years ago, I blamed this on driver error. Going too fast, not paying attention, it was the driver that was to blame. That was until I was driving down a city street in Downtown London, and a deer ran in front of my car.

Fortunately for me and the deer, my speed was slower than normal at the time of the incident, and the deer was not struck, but it was very close. The speed in which the deer appeared and blurred across the front of my compact car, partially disappearing from view, before racing onto the other side of the road in the built up residential neighbourhood was astonishing. Had I struck the deer, it is unlikely with the size and speed of my car that the deer would have been killed. I would have likely had a wreaked car, and a wounded and suffering deer to deal with. Something I could not deal with myself. The police would have to be called, and an officer would need to shoot the deer to put it out of its suffering.

London has long had a large white tail deer population that nobody ever wants to deal with, and this new stupid idea from City Council will do more to ensure the population grows to levels too large. Deer, like many other animals, do not do well when crowded. Deer are not herd animals. The more deer in a area is not better. Starvation, disease, and conflict between individiual deer (males) are just some factors that effect an over population of deer. Another factor is humans and deer coming into conflict with each other in such ways as deer destroying property, or vehicle and deer collisions. The deer population cannot be managed by natural means, as so many people seem to think. Predators naturally help to manage the populations of prey animals.

Wolves prey on deer, and occasionally bears do too, but there are none of those predators around here anymore. Coyotes have moved into the area, and are also a predator, and usually hunt deer in Winter, or fawns in the other seasons, but deer is not the coyote's main prey as coyotes are opportunistic feeders. 

A large population of prey animals will eventually attract predators to the area. A black bear came into the City a few years ago, and was shot dead by police after it became aggressive. The reason the bear came south is not known, but a large food source of deer should be examined as a slight possibility, as well as the strong possibility the bear population is not being managed properly because of unfounded restrictions on bear hunting imposed by the Provincial government.

Humane methods of killing is one way to manage wildlife. An annual deer count, and a cull if necessary to keep the deer numbers in check, and the deer population healthy. Problem wildlife need to be killed if there is no other reasonable option. City Council needs to come up with a plan based on reason and reality, and not emotions and fantasy, to manage our city wildlife. 

© Trevor Dailey 

It Is All Part Of The Plan.

The South Street Hospital has been completely demolished. I always feel bad when a historical building is destroyed because of my strong interest in history. The South Street Hospital was very large, and was architecturally unlike any other hospital in the City. Now it is gone. The land has been been turned over to the City after the hospital was withdrawn from service (Healthcare is Provincial jurisdiction). That is where the problem really starts for me.

London has a "City Planner". This person, an unelected bureaucrat, seems to have the power to arbitrarily decide what is built in London. His plan is a familiar one, to develop the area and "revitalize" the area. Like all of these schemes, the taxpayer is billed. In this latest one, the taxpayer was billed $10 to $15 million to destroy the South Street Hospital. This came from mostly from City and Provincial taxes. 

What the City Planner has planned for the land remains a mystery. We are patronized with games of wait and see. It is all part of the master plan that will create some extraordinary development that we will all be amazed by and revel in as it transforms the declining area into a glorious thriving place it once was. How many times have we heard this before?

Why could the City not just put a "For Sale" sign on the property, and sell the Real Property on the open market? Why could buyers not make fair real estate offers on the property? Why cannot private developers develop city properties on their own? Why cannot private architects design new city buildings on their own? Why cannot the City not meddle? Because the City has a "Plan" and a "City Planner" that is why.

© Trevor Dailey

South Street Hospital Decommissioning

Demolition of antiquated South St. Victoria Hospital campus begins in February

Interest pouring in over former South St hospital site

Audio: Just Right - 293 – Municipal meddling / Media polemics

Water And Hydro

I do a very dirty job, and the first thing I want when I come home is a shower. When I turned on the shower faucet this evening after work, there was no water. The City is doing water main work on my street. I live in an apartment building. The end of this work has been extended by about three weeks.

The first thing that goes through my mind is I am not going to have water until at least tomorrow morning. I can't take a shower, flush the toilet, wash dishes, drink water, brush my teeth, or wash my hands. It quickly reminded me how water is a necessity, and how having modern plumbing can be taken for granted. The same can be said for hydro (electricity) another necessity we take for granted.

After about an hour, the water was restored, and it got me thinking about the City spending so much money on other things besides things like water and hydro infrastructure. These are the things the City should be spending time and money on, but it never seems to be doing enough of that.

We have a newly elected City Council in London and some, including myself, see it as (another) left wing, socialist, municipal government that is inclined to monument building, social experiments, authoritarianism, and other such things, instead of doing only what a municipal governement should be doing.  

It makes me wonder if this water problem is a small sign of things to come? 

© Trevor Dailey