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Spring 'Global Warming Climate Change' Snowstorm

Early spring here in London, Ontario, Canada looks like early winter instead.

The ruling (not governing) Liberal government is going to legislate (force) a broad “carbon tax” for almost everything in Ontario to stop “global warming”. The Progressive Conservative party, the (in name only) official opposition, supports a "carbon tax" to stop "global warming"

(c) Trevor Dailey

Carbon Copies: Ontario Liberal and Progressive Conservative Parties on Climate Fighting and Taxes

Just Right - March 31, 2016

Just Right - Guest - David Plumb 


Snow Squall Watch
London - Parkhill - Eastern Middlesex County

Issued at 04:49 Saturday 02 April 2016

Snow squalls are likely to develop tonight and then weaken later Sunday morning. Strong northwest winds are expected to develop tonight in the wake of an Alberta Clipper crossing Southern Ontario. Flurries and localized snow squalls should develop late this evening or overnight. Local amounts of 15 centimetres are possible tonight with additional amounts Sunday morning before they weaken. Blowing snow may also be significant as winds gust up to 70 km/h, creating near zero visibilities in blowing and falling snow. Travel may be hazardous due to sudden changes in the weather. Consider postponing non-essential travel until conditions improve. Snow squall watches are issued when conditions are favourable for the formation of bands of snow that could produce intense accumulating snow or near zero visibilities. Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada.

Snow Squall Watch
London - Parkhill - Eastern Middlesex County

Issued at 15:19 Saturday 02 April 2016

Snow squalls are likely to develop later this evening and then weaken late Sunday morning. Strong northwest winds are expected to develop this evening in the wake of an Alberta Clipper crossing Southern Ontario. Flurries and local snow squalls should develop late this evening and continue overnight. Local amounts of 15 centimetres are possible tonight with additional amounts of 5 cm Sunday morning before the snow squalls weaken. Blowing snow may also be significant as winds gust up to 70 km/h, creating near zero visibilities in blowing and falling snow. Travel may be hazardous due to sudden changes in the weather. Consider postponing non-essential travel until conditions improve. Snow squall watches are issued when conditions are favourable for the formation of bands of snow that could produce intense accumulating snow or near zero visibilities. Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada.

Snow Squall Watch
London - Parkhill - Eastern Middlesex County

Issued at 03:16 Sunday 03 April 2016

Flurries and local snow squalls have developed and are expected to weaken by midday. Local amounts of 5 to 10 centimetres are possible before the snow squalls weaken. Blowing snow may be significant as winds gust to 70 km/h, creating near zero visibilities in blowing and falling snow. Travel may be hazardous due to sudden changes in the weather. Consider postponing non-essential travel until conditions improve. Snow squall watches are issued when conditions are favourable for the formation of bands of snow that could produce intense accumulating snow or near zero visibilities. Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada.

London - Parkhill - Eastern Middlesex County

Issued at 04:53 Sunday 10 April 2016

Yet another April snowfall on tap. The latest battle between spring and a very stubborn winter is setting up for today and tonight across Southern Ontario. A large Alberta Clipper approaching the Great Lakes from the northwest will spread a large area of snow into the region, with the snow expected to arrive in Southwestern Ontario this morning or early afternoon. Snow will reach the Muskoka to Golden Horseshoe areas later this afternoon then spread into remaining regions this evening. Snowfall amounts will range from near 2 cm over areas near Lakes Erie and Ontario, to 4 to 8 centimetres further north. Up to 10 centimetres of snow is possible in a few locales tonight especially in areas around Georgian Bay and the Dundalk Highlands to the Haliburton Highlands. As a warm front associated with the clipper moves in, the snow will change over to rain by late afternoon in the Windsor area. The changeover to rain will then work its way northeastward with the warm front tonight across remaining regions of Southern Ontario. There may be a brief period of ice pellets or freezing rain during the transition from snow to rain. Most areas should receive a total of 5 to 15 mm of rain before the rain ends on Monday. Driving conditions are expected to deteriorate after the snow arrives. Untreated roads may become snow covered and slippery. Motorists should be prepared for winter driving conditions and adjust travel plans accordingly. Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada.



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